Creature Skateboards was founded by former Santa Monica Airlines team manager and artist Russ Pope in 1994.

The first team members were Barker Barrett, Jason Adams and Darren Naverrette. After one year Adams and Pope created Scarecrow Skateboards and Creature was offline till 2000 when Lee Charron und Darren Navarrette reanimated the company as part of the great line up of the NHS distribution (Santa Cruz, Independent, Bronson Bearings, MOB Grip, Krux, Ricta and OJ Wheels)
Creature is more than famous and loved for their absolute devotion to horror and spooky genre designs.
Video History: Born Dead, Black Metal, Hesh Law, CSFU, The Creature Video
Team: Darren Navarrette, Al Partanen, Sam Hitz, Stu Graham, Chris Russell, Cody Lockwood, Collin Provost, David Gravette, John Gardner, Kevin Baekkel, Milton Martinez, Willis Kimbel + Ams + Int. Friends